Andrew Bohn is the owner and sole practitioner behind Centered Somatics. He graduated from The Dr. Ida Rolf Institute in 2019. He has gone on to train in SourcePoint therapy, and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy to complement the work of Rolfing Structural integration.


“My goal as a Rolfer is to change the world, and this work is a path to do so. Every individual is a crucial link in the connections that make a family, a community, and a society. There is not one superfluous part of a totality, and through my hands-on work I intend to foster healthy relationships in a person’s functioning physical body, to help them find the ease and resilience that they are innately capable of so that, through their own well-being, they may participate fully in their own life, their own family, and their own community. If any of this sounds abstract, or like it is some far off ideal, I assure you it is not, it is as real as a full breath, as true as a well placed step, and as natural as your own two hands.”

“The center is not a place of rest, it is a moment of possibility. To be centered is not to be still, it is to be ready.”


What We Do

  • Rolfing Structural Integration is a manual therapy approach that seeks to involve a client in the process of their own healing and wellbeing. Rolfing SI allows the brain and nervous system to reassess areas of the body, and thereby alter patterns laid down through use, overuse, trauma, and injury, or to simply rediscover itself as a vital whole.

    Rolfing SI focuses on fascia, the connective tissue which surrounds, supports and penetrates all of the muscles, bones, nerves and organs. It is through this web-like complex of connective tissues that Rolfing SI can release, realign and balance the whole body, thus potentially resolving discomfort, reducing compensations and alleviating pain. Rolfing SI aims to restore flexibility, revitalize your energy and leave you feeling more comfortable in your body.

    Essentially, the Rolfing process enables the body to regain the natural integrity of its form, thus enhancing postural efficiency and your freedom of movement.

    Rolfing Structural Integration strives to align and balance the body’s components until the entire system is a smoothly functioning coordinated whole, fostering adaptability and resilience.

  • Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle non-invasive, hands-on session for the whole body. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a holistic approach to treatment that addresses the natural forces within the body to establish order for the creation, development, and maintenance of the body’s systems. There is a subtle ebb-and-flow motion in the body’s tissues, fluids, and bones that works intelligently to keep the body functioning properly. This movement is referred to as primary respiration, or the mid-tide.

    Internal and external factors have the potential to interrupt this primary respiration. When an individual is exposed to long-term stress or experiences some form of trauma or shock, it can overwhelm the mind and body’s coping mechanisms and resources. The defense processes in the autonomic nervous and neuroendocrine systems imprint themselves and interrupt the body’s natural flow of energy. As such, the physical body holds on to these traumatic memories.

    Because it focuses on both physiological and psychological health, biodynamic craniosacral therapy is used to trigger the body’s healing response to interruptions to primary respiration, caused by conditions associated with stress and trauma. According to this theory, all beings are born with this innate healing power as a part of the body’s self-preservation mechanism. When a person cannot access this inner healing force on their own, an experienced therapist can help in a non-invasive manner to help regain regulation of the nervous system through reconnection of the body and its primary respiration.

  • SourcePoint Therapy® is a simple approach to energy work. The term energy is oftentimes overused and misunderstood, but simply put the human body is an expression of energy, a translation of the food you eat, and the water you drink metabolized into a physical body that expresses this energy in movement and life. The principle of SourcePoint is that there is a Blueprint of health for the human being that gives rise to, maintains and nourishes the human body. In SourcePoint we address blockages that are obstructing the flow of information from the Blueprint in the body and work with specific points in the human energy field that connect the individual body and its energy field to the Blueprint. We also work with energetic structures and points on the body that strengthen and organize the individual energy field.

  • I always start with a conversation and consultation. During your initial appointment we’ll discuss your health history, issues and areas you are looking to see improvement. We’ll also cover what treatment options would be the best fit for you and an initial treatment plan. We will schedule your initial series of treatments and begin finding your path to healing.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

-Charles Darwin


1304 S. College Ave., Suite #6
Fort Collins, CO 80524

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